Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Is less more?

It is quite natural when taking a portrait picture, to feel the need to put the subjects face in the center of your viewfinder. We naturally see things symmetrically and assume that is the best result for a picture. For most pictures, this works and you get a pleasing result.

However sometimes, the beauty in a photograph is because some of it is missing... When I first photographed this little boy two years ago, quite by accident I took a picture where half of his face wasn't even in shot, but it was one of those pictures that didn't need any work done to it. There was no cropping that could be done, because the picture already missed half of his face. It turned out to be one of his Mum's favourites. So when I had the opportunity to photograph him again I wanted to see if we could achieve it once more.

Two years on, he is of course more active and less excited about being photographed, but none the less a joy to photograph and his gorgeous dark eyes really pop! His little sister also had a turn and I can't resist showing her picture in colour. The contrast of her beautiful blue eyes,  rosy cheeks and gorgeous strawberry blonde hair is just melt worthy.

So next time you are taking a picture, consider that if you leave something out and embrace the white space, it might give you more.