Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Troublesome Twins

I was very excited, when I got the last minute phone call to photograph Anna, a little girl I thoroughly enjoyed photographing last year... plus her gorgeous 10 month old twin brothers. Having never photographed twins before, I thought it best to do a little research before I embarked on this new challenge... So I mooched around the web for some of my favourite photographers pictures of twins for inspiration and every thing looked calm, serene and doubly cute when browsing pictures of two cute little nappy clad bodies over one.

Now considering I have a little 10 month old girl and my older child is the same age as Anna, you would think I could second guess what I was in for... how wrong one can be!

It was a very hot afternoon and I was wrong to assume that just because my little girl sits still having not mastered the art of crawling yet, that these little lads were going to sit and stare adoringly into my camera.... at the same time! To make the challenge even harder, I needed Mummy, Daddy, Opa, Oma and of course 2 year old Anna to look into the camera at the same time as well.... 

700 photos later and 4 evenings of editing and I was able to present a shortlist of the photos. Hopefully I have a happy client!!